Saturday, May 31, 2008

Umm. . .

A little TOO much of that super imagination!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Summer Fun . . .

Rain Showers

(apparently she sat in a puddle too . . .;0)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The boys of summer!

The backyard!

Why we love spring...

Even throughout God's creation, we see His faithfulness!

These little guys had just hatched. Cooper found their shells under the tree!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The things they say . . .

They live among us . . . apparently . . .

I was standing by the front door talking to a friend about nothing specific when Owen struts into the room (in his unique Owen style), walks right up to my friend and states,
"Hey, you tan't go upstairs. Dat's where the humans fold the waundry."

Any suggestions how to get "someone" other than the humans to do all the work around here?

Why we love the warm(er) weather. . . pt. 6


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Just complaining . . .

This post is proof that you can blog . . . anything . . .

This is shedding season for Clark (the family dog). Reason #1,458 why he needs to leave.

Last night I decided that the hair balls flying around the house had been tolerated long enough. I sweep. I vacuum. Clark walks through the room. I sweep . . again. I vacuum . . again. So I took his brush to him and after 5 minutes of brushing this is what I got:

Consider the mountain if I had continued for 20 minutes!

Here is the after picture: (I didn't think I would need a before picture.)

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Seriously, shouldn't he be bald?!!!!!

If you'll excuse me - I have more sweeping and vacuuming to do!

Monday, May 19, 2008

The things they say

In my journey of parenting, I had a few rare moments of insight where I would write down in a journal some of the funny things my kids said.

I was digging around for a notebook the other day and came across one such journal with a few funny kid quips . . .

Mikayla - age 6 1/2
Brice - age 4

Brice - "Mom, are eggs chickens?"

Mom - "Yes"

Brice - "So are we eating chicken right now?"

Mom - "Well, yes, I guess so."

Mikayla - "No, we are eating the nog."

Mom - "The nog? What is the nog?"

Mikayla - "It is the chicken that didn't perform."


Carra - age 2 1/2 years

Carra was wearing her special watch and noticed that Mikayla was also wearing a watch . . .
"Kaywa has a watch, Daddy has a watch. Mommy doesn't. Owen doesn't had a watch and I have a water buffalo."

(Wait, doesn't everybody "got" a water buffalo?)
Mikayla 8 1/2 years

Mikayla - "Mom when I'm a teenager can we live on a farm?"

Mom - "What kind of farm? A working farm or just a house with a barn?

Mikayla - "A working farm. Dad and Brice could get a tractor and do the cornfields and stuff and you and me could get a clothesline and hang up clothes."


Brice - age 4-5

The kids had been playing in my bedroom and I made an announcement that Daddy was on his way home and it was time to pick up. In passing I made the comment, "So what kind of shape is my bedroom in?"

Brice ponders a while, then looks at me as if I have completely lost it and states, "Mom, it's a square."


Mikayla - age 6-7

I had gone through the drive-through with the kids for a healthy lunch of chicken nuggets and french fries. I handed out the food to the kids in the car and proceeded to drive down the road.

Suddenly, I hear this startled cry from the back seat, "Mom, my french fries aren't done cooking!!!!!"

"Why, honey? Are they cold?"

"No!!! There's still potato in the middle!!!!"


Brice - age 2-3

We had just been discussing with Brice that God is everywhere, but we can't see Him. He was still trying to grasp this deep concept when he had the following conversation . . .

All the assignments had been handed out for the Christmas program and all the kids from church were discussing what part they were given. Brice, being a bit young yet for such a performance, was not given a part and feeling a bit left out.

As the kids were bantering about their parts, "I get to be the shepherd!", "I get to be an angel!", etc. Brice decided to pull out the trump card and top all of their selections, "Yeah, well, I get to be GOD!"

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Look what Carra can do!!!!!!

When my kids finally learned how to ride a bike, it was as momentous to me as when they walked or said their first word. I do a lot of yelling and cheering and I have even been known to get teary eyed!

We tried working with Carra last summer, but she never seemed to catch on. She spent all morning Friday pestering Buff to remove the training wheels and teach her to ride. Seriously, one of Carra's qualities is persistence (whether that is good or bad depends on what she wants).

Buff took her to the park, she jumped on and rode to the end of the parking lot. Now we can't hear the end of it! She still needs a bit of practice stopping (a very important development), but I have a feeling that she will have it by the end of the day!


1. I was struck with how alike they looked!

2. What could have these two boys sitting with rapt attention?

a. Buff's preaching

b. Mom's lecturing/ teaching

c. Lego Star Wars video game

Monday, May 12, 2008

Why we love the warm(er) weather . . . part 4

Frog Gigging!!!!

(we also found salamanders/newts, water beetles, snails, tadpoles, dragonfly nymphs, water spiders, and more! )

(We pulled Owen out a few times too . . . )

Thursday, May 1, 2008