Tuesday, September 30, 2008

he's growing up . . .

Okay, so maybe he has grown up a bit . . .

a year and a half old

3 and a half years old . . .

(sigh, sniffle, sniffle, sigh)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Finally, someone sees it!

My four year old neighbor girl came up to me to ask if she could play with my daughter.

I just love how she addresses me.

"Umm, Super Powers, can I do fingernail polish?"

Who am I to correct her?

Now if I could just figure out what my super power is . . .

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

She's still talking . . .

The Carra-isms of the week. . . .

1. After watching a daddy-long-leg spider creep across the floor . . .
"So what does a mommy-long-leg look like?"
2. Out of the blue . . .
"Mom, will God have to take the roof off the house when His hand comes down and touches my heart?"
3. She had a joke to share . . .
"Two dogs were taking a bath and one dog asked the other dog to hand him the bar of soap. The other dog looked at him and said, 'What do you think I am? A radio?'"

See . . . learning how to talk is still my favorite stage! They never seem to outgrow it!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Summer Was:

**** Riding bikes

**** trips to the zoo
**** pogo sticking

**** summer school

**** geocaching

**** gardening
Well, a valiant attempt at least. I have a beautiful rock garden and I can grow amazing weeds!
**** sidewalk paint

**** trips to the park

**** t-ball

Way to go, Carra!

**** tea parties

**** summer walks

**** swimming lessons


and now
Happy Fall!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

About those babies . . .

We love Carra. We love Carra because she is just so . . . Carra. It's that individuality in each one of our kids that makes us love each one in such a special way.

If you ask Carra what she wants to be when she grows up, she will tell you a "big kid who is a mommy" every time. She plays for hours with her dolls. It is really all she thinks about.

This week has been extra special for the kids because Buff is home and has a lighter than usual schedule. Because of this he has taken each kid one-on-one on a special date. Today was Carra's turn and after their walk and ice cream cone they ran a quick errand to the hardware store. There was a baby swing for sale and it triggered something in Carra to ask more about babies and where they come from.

"Daddy, how do you get God to give you babies?"

Buff gave his best theological non-answer, "You have to start by praying because God gives us babies as a gift."

Carra ever so sweetly answered with, "Yes, but I have been asking God for a long time to give me a baby in my tummy and he hasn't given me one yet." (cue: heart melt)

Oh, how sweet.

But Buff, I think you have a bit more explaining to do . . .

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Happy Day!

Yesterday was very exciting day for Carra. She has waited, rather impatiently, her whole life for this moment.

She finally lost her first tooth!

We have had many discussions about needing to brush her teeth or else her teeth will all fall out, in which she insisted that was exactly what she was hoping would happen! I am happy to say that this tooth fell out because it was supposed to - not because she didn't brush!

So, being the wonderful parents that we are, we snuck into her bedroom while she was in the closet getting dressed this morning and slid the dollar under her pillow (because we forgot to do it when she was sleeping - we always forget).

What I didn't get a picture of was Buff in his tooth fairy costume . . .

I bet you would have like to have seen that!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

A day at the beach

What's not to love?

Brice at the mercy of all those girls . . .