Thursday, February 22, 2007

Potty Training

I have been dealing with children in diapers for over 10 years and I am ready to be done. Owen turned 2 in December and we had a visit with his doctor who dutifully informed me that little boys don't generally potty train until they are 3 years old. They may show some interest, but most moms are not successful until the boys are at least 3. (Actually, I believe him. I have 3 potty training stories to tell and they are all nightmares! I have one more to go - and I'M the one asking moms for advice!)

My response was "It is my goal this year to prove you wrong!" He laughed and said to go for it.

So we have introduced Owen to the potty. It is quite a big deal. I say, "Owen, let's go potty in the potty." And he says quite enthusiastically, "POTTY, POTTY!" Of course, if he goes, he gets a "spushul tweat". We just do it occasionally. Nothing serious. But now if I tell him to go - he has the ability to control - and go.

Occasionally, though, our timing isn't so good and he can't make himself go. Tonight was such a night, and so he looks at me, tilts his cute little head to the side and says,

"It not working, Mommy. I need a new one."

Yep, I'll get right on that!

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