Tuesday, April 24, 2007

One Room School House

I was inspired by the pictures Tina took of her dad's old barn, these aren't as good though. Tina has a good eye!! This black and white one is my favorite!!

I would really like to get the history on this school. It is fun to imagine what life would have been like back then... if only those walls could talk!

1 comment:

Tina said...

I agree, the black and white picture of the peak of the school house is very cool! Isn't it fun to show another perspective to something that seems so useless?? We talked about going out to see this school house last summer but never made it. I would love to see it next time we visit!

I find that I learn a lot after I take the picture about what not to do. After I take the picture, I tend to see clutter where I didn't see it before or shadows that now stand out much more. Just keep snapping pictures! You have a unique eye for pictures yourself! We tend to be our worst critic!

On another note: My dad went to school in a one room school house for a few years. He just turned 65 and it was somewhat rare even 60 years ago! My kids ask him what it was like to go to school with Abraham Lincoln. It gets a good smirk from him at least.