Saturday, October 6, 2007


This week Owen spiked a fever ranging from 103-104 degrees. At first we greatly enjoyed the sweet, compliant child that emerged in spite of the raging fever, but then he became a bit delirious and then it was comical.

He would be sleeping (seemingly) soundly and then would suddenly sit upright, look around and say things like, "I was in the bus under the water."

Buff would ask, "Oh, and what were you doing there?"

"I was mowing the grass."

Or he would divulge information such as, "My daddy goes outside naked," and then lay back down and go to sleep. (My friend's response was, "Well, his name is Buff . . . .")

Other times he would appear to be telling a story, but it would have no logical order. "I went downstairs and swam in my shwimming pool and the dog ate my sandwich and the bird was in the sky."

"Oh, really? When did this happen?"

"Yeah, then we went to church."

Lest you worry about the child, the fever is gone and he seems to be back to normal. He is back to screaming for chocolate milk and tormenting his sister.

I think I liked the delirious Owen better!

Photo: Yep, those are his underwear. If you want to know how the potty training is going - take your cue from this picture. . .

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