Monday, November 12, 2007

Costume Fun

After Halloween, I managed to pick up some costumes on clearance. The kids have had tons of fun dressing up lately and I got some shots of their imaginations in action.

Princess Carra
I wonder if Cinderella thought of pink sparkly sunglasses on sunny days . . .

Clark as Clark.
He still doesn't know quite what to think when there is a kangaroo jumping around the house.

Who knew spending $1.50 could bring one child such enjoyment.
The instructions are that he is not to hit any person -
but he insists he can hit the bad animals.
Do you see Clark cowering in the corner?

Here is my favorite.
I think he is the white version of Zorro.
We call him "Kotex".
Seriously, why did I bother to buy a costume? There was one in my bathroom drawer all this time.

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