Friday, December 12, 2008

Pb & J

How to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich . . .

By: Owen Powers
Age: Nearly 4 (in 16 days)

1. Jelly
(also pronounced Jewwy)

2. Peanut Butter

3. Smoosh

4. Cut
(Yes, that is a sharp knife.
Yes, he was supervised - I'm taking the picture.
No, he didn't even cut through the sandwich.)

5. Done!
(He was thrilled when he realized he could cut it into SEVEN pieces!)

6. Eat

7. Well, eat . . . sort of . . .
he wouldn't want to actually TOUCH the crust . . .
(Can you tell there was ice cream being dished out nearby?)

Note: If I were to actually cut off the crust, he would then avoid the imaginary crust around the outside - and still not eat the edges.

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