Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Viewer Discretion Advised!

We haven't posted in a while.  It is not as if life has been uneventful.  I thought I would bring you up to date and explain our silence . . .

1.  Here is what Brice has been doing . . . and, therefore, what I . . . the mother . . . have been doing.  If I had thought about this being part of the job description, I may have thought twice about this whole mothering idea.

WARNING . . . this is graphic . . .

Truth - it looks worse than it was . . .

 But if I lived through it . . . so can you . . .

It was an easy fix . . . .thanks to the father being around to bail the mother out.  It required a razor blade and minor surgery.  Moral of the story: Wear shoes when running outside!

And then there is Owen . . .

It's a dislocated thumb . . .

Another easy fix - but a lot more dramatic.

And we can finish with me . . .

Here is what I have been doing . . .

Yep, that's a baby . . .

Yep, that's a surprise!

So that explains my lack of energy to even take a picture . . . let alone post it and write something about it.

We are planning to enjoy our special treasure in October. . .

The kids are thrilled and have already started suggesting names.  I have heard every name of every friend, cousin and tv character ever encountered.  I'm sorry, but I draw the line at Scooby.

Then I have had suggestions such as Tigris and Nile . . . and yes, they were serious.  There was even a mention of Skipper.

Rest assured.  Those children have been officially removed from the Naming Committee.  The only other committee I have formed is the Diapering Committee . . . but it just seems cruel to assign them to that one right away.  I may save it for a motivator later.

So, other than helping to pay for our doctors' summer homes . . . we haven't been up to much . . .


Scott and Jessica Shobe said...

Wow! Congrats!

Diana said...

WOW!! I knew there was a reason that I had 3 girls and only 1 boy and Tom was not adventurous like that at all. CONGRATS on the new baby, that is really cool and it will be spoiled with all the brothers and sisters!!!


Jennittia said...

Our computer has been down for a while, so just getting caught up... Congrats!!!!!

We've been right there with you with the injuries. We joke we can be the poster family for AFLAC...a thumb sliced down to the bone from peeling an apple, a pinkie finger glued back together since stitches are too "tramatic" Yeah right!! And this is just what has happened this month!