My friend, faithful neighbor and provider of depleted kitchen supplies
Donette tagged "me" to answer the following questions. This is a tough one.
I am very Scroogy at Christmas - but I will do my best just for the fun of it. Maybe I do have an ounce or two of Christmas spirit to share.
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
Depends on what I have on hand. I have happy memories of helping my mom wrap presents as a kid, but I will wrap or stuff it into a bag depending on shape, size and time.2 . Real tree or Artificial?
Real. My hubby loves the smell of a fresh tree.3 . When do you put up the tree?
We only put up a tree on the years we will be home for Christmas - which makes the Scrooge in me very happy. The tree usually goes up right after Thanksgiving. 4. When do you take the tree down?
It comes down the first possible moment after Christmas!5. Do you like egg nog?
We love the Kemp's brand. It is a treat we all look forward to! (Note: It can also be found at Easter - a pleasant surprise in March or April!)6. Favorite gift received as a child?
I don't know if this one is my favorite (I have a terrible memory!), but I remember wanting a specific teddy bear that I saw and I actually got it for Christmas. I don't remember being overly excited, but instead just deeply and quietly "happy". I still have that teddy bear too.7. Do you have a nativity scene?
No, but I would love one! I look every year for the "perfect" one. I see lots I like - but a nice one is usually out of my price range! (I really want Buff to find me ones from his world travels. Unfortunately, he doesn't shop much when he travels because he is too busy teaching. He has two trips planned next year - - - maybe he'll find one this time.)8. Hardest person to buy for?
Our parents.9. Easiest person to buy for?
The kids.10. Mail or email Christmas cards?
Mail.11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?
I honestly can't think of anything. I remember getting a Barbie doll named "Tina" and she broke 5 minutes into Christmas. When we went to exchange her they were all out - and I was very disappointed.12. Favorite Christmas Movie?
I am not much into movies, but the ever sentimental Buffington plays the traditional "Santa Clause is coming to town" and "Rudolph" movies every year. Everyone also looks forward to the "Charlie Brown Christmas."13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?
We had all the kids gifts by Thanksgiving (I think we started buying them one at a time in September.) Of course, we only bought them one big item and one small treat.14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?
I don't think so, but I know I have received some.15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
Homemade caramels and Swedish pecans (which I decided I am taking a break from this year. My Scrooginess is very strong this year.)16. Clear lights or colored on the tree?
Clear lights only. (And no blinking allowed!)17. Favorite Christmas song?
I have to agree with Donette about Oh Holy Night; Joy, Joy; and Star of David (I think that's the name) by David Phelps and Here With Us by Joy Williams; The December CD by George Winston.18. Travel at Christmas or stay home?
Every other Christmas we venture out to Colorado to be with Buff's family. We then have Christmas with my family around New Years. On the opposite year we celebrate with my family whenever everyone is available due to work schedules and church. Some years it is actually on Christmas afternoon, other years it is the day before or after.19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
Remember. Scrooge. I really have never tried or cared to try.20. Angel on the tree top or a star?
Crown of thorns21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?
We usually open one gift Christmas Eve and save the rest for Christmas morning. Since we don't buy much for our kids, it is usually our gift we give them on Christmas Eve and then let Grandma have at it Christmas morning. (When we are in Colorado, we all sleep under the tree Christmas Eve and Grandpa wakes everyone up by delivering the stockings on the back of his miniature donkey, Pansy.)22. Most annoying thing about this time of year?
Maybe the 25 questions about what I think about Christmas! ;0) Actually, the pressure of buying a gift that my family member will actually like - that I can actually afford. I am too intensely practical and cheap!23. Favorite ornament theme or color?
Our homemade Advent tree ornaments24. Favorite for Christmas dinner?
NO BIG DINNERS ALLOWED! Everyone brings their favorite appetizers and snacks and we just graze all day long. 25 . What do you want for Christmas this year?
No one ever asks me this question so I'm not prepared. I can't think of anything . . . . Is this where I am supposed to say "Peace on earth"?
Okay, now I tag all my family members who read and participate in this blog - and anyone else who wants to join in! Leave a comment that you answered the questions on your blog so I can go and learn about your Christmas!