Thursday, December 18, 2008

Just for fun . . .

I read about this idea . . . and thought I'd give it a whirl . . .

1. Go to the place on your computer where you store your photos.

2. Open the fourth folder.

3. Post and explain the fourth photo in that folder.

Soooo, to make this a bit more complicated than it has to be - I did it two different ways . . .

First, I did it exactly as indicated above and got . . .


Explanation: This is my niece, Emma, on a class field trip to a pumpkin farm a year or two ago.
We love you and miss you, Emma!

But that is just an extra folder of photos e-mailed to me that I didn't take . . . so I picked the fourth folder from our family (from 2008) and got . . .


Explanation: Well, I don't know if I can explain Carra and why she wears what she wears - but then that is why we love her! I think she did something funny with her hair and was raiding her closet again . . . but then it was just another day in Carra's world.

Anybody else want to see what they come up with in their photo folders?

1 comment:

squirt said...

Ha ha, you just never know what you will get with Carra!