Monday, June 29, 2009

The things they say . . .

Owen again . . .

. . .that is mostly because he does most of the talking around this house . . . and because whenever the older ones say something funny, they tend to get mortified. They also have a better understanding of how a blog works and how many people could be laughing . . .

So we'll stick with getting our laughs from Owen . . .

These were this morning on our way to summer school.

Note: It might help if you read aloud to get the double meanings . . .

Conversation #1:

I have noticed with this child that if he adds "head" to the end of another word - he thinks he has said something absolutely hilarious . . . either that or he feels he is borderline cussing.

"Mom, how old are you?"


"Oh, so you're a 37 - head."

"Brice, how old are you?"


"So you're a ten-head."

"Carra, how old are you?"


"Okay, you're a six-head."

"Mikayla, how old are you?"


"That makes you a twelve-head."

Mikayla pipes in, "So, Owen how old are you?"

"Four." And then pointing to the area right above his eyes . . . "That means I am a four-head!"

Conversation #2:

Summer school for the entire village of Sussex takes place at the high school, so little ol' Sussex gets their own version of a traffic jam at 8:30 every morning as the entire village heads in the same direction.

As I am pulling out of the parking lot, I start to think out loud as to which way I will turn to avoid the traffic jam. Owen glances out the window and pipes in . . .

"Yeah, Mom, look at that jam traffic . . ."

He put the emphasis on the /j/ in "jam".

It was a totally innocent switching of the words, but I'm thinking I might have to consider addressing that borderline cussing . . . .

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