Thursday, February 1, 2007

Before and after

We have finally painted the kitchen! It is no longer blue and white striped wallpaper peeling from the walls!


(Dirty dishes, toys and all!)

The first floor is officially painted! Now we have to work on the upstairs. It will take us another year I am sure. And then the basement . . .
Oh, the joys of owning your own home!


squirt said...

I love the color you have in your kitchen... it looks very warm and inviting!! Does it make you want to eat more?

Tina said...

Now there is something I didn't think of! Just what I need! I eat enough as it is - I don't need any warm fuzzies to encourage me!

Actually, if orange makes you eat more - you should see my bathroom! (Dark orange) No wonder I always feel hungry when I come out!

Bevin said...

I love the color! It looks great. The one thing I don't like about renting is not being able to paint.