After one of our major snowstorms recently, Brice was standing in the open doorway leading to the deck looking at the huge snowdrift that had piled up by the door. Mikayla, being the loving sister she is, walked up behind him and gave him a huge shove, sending him flying head first into snowdrift.
Well, Mikayla was pretty proud of her achievement and proceeded to brag about it to her father. Buff, being the loving father that he is (now you know where Mikayla gets it), asked her to show him exactly what she had done. She fell for it. She went and opened the door to illustrate her genius - Buff grabbed her, picked her up and threw her into the snowdrift.
So, now Brice decides to go out into the snowdrift voluntarily because it seems to draw laughs. He puts on a few more layers and goes out and just lays there basking in the whiteness.
Once again, it was an opportunity that had to be taken. I grabbed the camera and Buff grabbed the snow shovel and headed to the bedroom window above where he could push the snow off of the roof onto the target below.
It worked beautifully. Brice never saw it coming.
This kind of stuff is funny when they are young. I am sure we'll be in trouble in a few years when they can actually outsmart us - and get us back.
Oh, well, we'll enjoy what we can in the meantime!