Monday, February 18, 2008

Baby pics

I had been hankering to get out and shoot my camera, so I asked another mom in our church if I could shoot some pictures of her little one.

It was a lazy day for litte O. She slept nearly the entire time. We had scheduled it so that I could get some sleepy pictures of her and then she would eat and be awake for a while so I could get some wide eyed photos. She slept. She ate. She slept again. You will notice in the two photos with her eyes open she is drifting back into dreamland. You can tell by the look in her eyes . . . .

I had a hard time narrowing down which ones I would share. . . .

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

These pictures are beautiful - and look so professional! You should open a studio - and I mean it. I'll come take lessons from you!