Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mom, can I have . . . ?

Carra has a sweet tooth like no other. If you were to ask her what her favorite food is, I wouldn't be surprised if she said, "Gum." I don't dread Halloween because of the haunted theme. I think it is all the candy that makes it scary. There is usually enough to frighten any mother out of her wits.

This morning, Carra hopped out of bed and asked me if she can have a fudgesicle. I reminded her of the rule that she needs to eat breakfast first- and then proceeded to give her the options for breakfast (i.e. cereal or eggs). She agreed and headed to the kitchen to find something to eat.

Ahh, yes. The problem has been solved . . . I came back to find that she is eating breakfast. This morning she is having . . . .


All so she can finally eat her fudgesicle.

Consider this my new entry for "mother-of-the-year" . . .

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