Kerry told her story about how the firemen came to her house . . .
Here is my story about the fire that came to our house . . .
1. He lit a match. (I know what you are thinking . . . He's 10 - he can reach them no matter where we put them. Kids are "in training" - not "trained" - unfortunately.)
2. He blew out the match. (Good boy.)
3. He threw the match into the trash can. (Uh-oh.)
4. The hot match lit the surrounding kleenex on fire. (Oh, junk . . . no pun intended)
5. The boy panicked.
6. He shut the door. (Maybe nobody will notice . . .)
7. He ran outside. (Yes, he left the rest of us to die without him . . . )
8. He continued to panic - but gained enough common sense (and courage) to come and warn us.
9. He told his mother - with the condition that she wouldn't get mad . . . (Now really, why would I get mad???)
10. His mother didn't get mad - but she did move very fast.
11. His mother screamed for his father - who came and saved the day. (My hero.)
12. There was absolutely no damage done - outside of a melted trash can. It happened on a tile floor - away from the walls and cabinets. It still stinks in there though - and there was ash everywhere.
13. The fire alarms never went off. (Now I am mad.) We are working on that. A grace gift of sorts to find out now - while we are still alive.
14. We are buying fire extinguishers too . . .
15. It all counts as school. Fire safety - home-school style . . . (I don't recommend the curriculum though . . .)
16. He was mortified - but is now laughing with the rest of us. It was an accident - but he is investing in a new trash can. Talk about learning your lesson the hard way!
Here is all that remains of the trash can . . .
Each adventure seems to be a bit more dramatic than the last. They are getting a bit to exciting for my blood.
Oh, wait, did I mention blood????