Friday, October 12, 2007

The preacher

This is too funny not to share.

We have been bringing Owen into church with us for a while to get him used to sitting in church. He is quite a wiggler, so imagine my surprise this morning when he walked behind the stool and declared, "Dood Mowrning and Wewcome." I really didn't think he payed attention to what was going on around him.

Now imagine my alarm when he started preaching:

(All of these sentences came one after another in no apparent logical order - apparently he was preaching without his notes! I recommend reading them out loud to help with interpretation. They are written in 2 year old lingo!)

"Dod pushed over the truck and went in da airpwane."

"Dod gave me more toffee (interpreted as coffee)."

"Dod didn't drink water and didn't dwaw on the tarpet."

"Open and obey your Bibles and don't det out of church."

"Dod dot a needle in His foot."

"Dod said to dwink toffee!" (picture him pounding the pulpit. . . er stool with this one! I think I could even imagine a few "Amens" coming from his imaginary audience. ;0)


"This is my Bible. If you want it you tan buy it."

So where do you think he is getting his theology from? His father? I was a bit surprised that he didn't take up an offering. Hopefully there is some grooming planned before he actually takes on a church and gets paid for this!

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