Saturday, January 13, 2007


Hey, Bevin, here is a brief answer to your post about doing it all: I have no idea! (Everyday I say to Buff - "I don't know how to do it all!")

I consider homeschooling to be the same as a full time job. The problem is that I don't get to walk away and concentrate on my job and then come home and concentrate on my family. I have to do it all at once! That is very overwhelming.

I don't keep a clean house on a quiet day, so you can imagine what my house looks like during school days. The hardest thing I am trying to learn is how to get my kids involved in the process. I feel like I spend my days nagging for them to get something done. Everything from making their bed to Science and math!

I am still in process, but this is what I have learned and done that has helped some. I am sure it will change again - it takes me a while to problem solve. . . .

1. I have had to check my heart.

I love a clean house - but I have never had it. I have spent a large majority of my mothering life in panic mode that someone will stop by my house and discover we live in chaos most of the time. I have friends that are immaculate - all of the time. I even have friends that homeschool, teach Bible study groups, and live life in an immaculate house. I cared more about what they would think (man-pleasing) than dealing with the heart issues that cause us to live in chaos. Is it laziness? procrastination? lack of discipline (for me and for my kids)? Also, I wasn't responding well to mess. I allowed it to cause stress - which affects my family. It becomes an idol to me.

Having said all of that - I don't have a magic answer. It is a moment by moment process for me. There are times when I deal with it - because it is what it is and I must respond as if the cross matters - and it affects how I respond to the mundane. There are other times (most of the time) when my sinful heart flares and I react wrongly. Thankfully, God gives me all that I need to respond correctly!

Here are some verses that encourage me:

I Peter 4: 10-11
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies - in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
Hebrews 13:20-21
Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.
2. I have learned how to include my kids. They can do a lot. I am still figuring out how to train them, but I found an article that has helped.

I have the kids fold their own laundry (Carra is actually quite good at this, but she still needs some help and encouraging), unload the dishwasher, sweep and mop the floor (we are still in training for this one), dust, vacuum (again - in training), taking care of the pets, make their beds, clean up general clutter (if it is on the floor they pick it up and PUT IT AWAY - no matter who it belongs to), and other various tasks. They each have a chart that they are responsible to keep - so I don't have to nag to get it done. If they don't chart, I assume it isn't done. If it isn't done, there is no allowance at the end of the week. Money is a good motivator. (Keep it balanced with good heart teaching too!) I can send you a copy of the chart if you want to tweek it for your kids.

3. Figure out what matters. Clean clothes, clean dishes and food are pretty much essentials. School gets added in there now too. After that - be willing to give a little. Get Brady to help (if he isn't already). If he just mops the floor and takes care of dishes, it can be a huge help!

I like your motto "do it now". I am going to add it to my new motto "PUT IT AWAY - NOW!" I'm a stacker!

Sorry, I didn't mean to preach! I can get it organized. I just don't know how to maintain it. I am open to any tips you can give me. It is my New Years Resolution just to make my bed everyday!

I enjoy the banter!


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