Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Cake

Brice got a bright idea in his head that he would like to bake a cake. The bright idea came a little to late last night so we made him wait until this morning. He really wanted to make a cake that was unique, and decided the best way to make it unique was to decorate it - well, uniquely. He recruited Mikayla to help him and away they went!

They had a LOT of fun, made a BIG mess, and got along BEAUTIFULLY! It was a positive experience overall! (Because I made THEM clean up!)

A side note: That is not frosting on Mikayla's nose. She had an encounter with the swing and the ground. Yeah, the two don't usually meet - but Mikayla found a way!

So here is their work of art. It is their "Just Because Mystery Cake".

Ta- Da

The creators
It is decorated with "potty treats."
(They raided the bucket of treats I use to bribe Owen to go potty.)

Blowing out the candles - Brice has unique form -
we may have to work on that!

Carra helping with the last stubborn candles.
(Notice Mikayla "helping" in the background. I think it is the same reflex that causes us moms to open our mouths every time we put a spoon in our babies mouths! :0)

Apparently you can have your cake-
and eat it too!

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