Monday, May 21, 2007

Out of the mouth of babes

This weekend, Owen said a few cute ones . . .

1. We were in a garden store and he asked me for the 100th time, "What's that, Mommy?"
Everything you explain to him, he has to repeat it back to you in the form of a question.

You may have to read this one out loud to understand it.

"What's that, Mommy?"

"It's a statue, Owen." I explained

"A statch me?"

Do you get it? He thought I said "statch you" so he changed the pronoun to "me" when he repeated it back to me! Not only is it cute, it amazes me how much they understand about the English language without ever being formally taught! The mind is an amazing thing! And we think they are so innocent! It makes me wonder what else he knows . . . . .

2. Uncle Ryan and Aunt Ruth pull into the driveway at church on Sunday.

"Mommy, look, it's donkey Ryan." states Owen very matter of factly.

Out of the mouth of babes!

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